How to Submit a Job
There are two ways to submit a job:
1. Upload two files* in FASTA format (Expeceted File extensions include: .fa, .fasta, .FASTA and, .txt)

2. Paste in text* into the available text boxes

* Maximum file size is 100 KB or 100 000 characters
Model Selection:
There are 4 model available for use (ptarpmir, hsa, hsa+plant, ath+hsa), each having been trained on a different dataset. Dataset descriptions and training process can be found in the cited paper.
Email notification:
The option is available to enter an email which will allow the server to send an email to you went the job is complete.
The results page will display the target prediction results (dependant on file size) and make them available for download.

Source Code
Source code and instructions for set-up can be found at our GitHub Repository: PTarPmiR